Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I miss this blog.
Mostly, though, I miss the conversations we used to have through and because of it.  And even without it.

I really need a group like you guys out here.  I feel like I'm sleepwalking, like I'm stuck in a routine with no one to wake me and ask me what the hell I'm doing with my life.
Well, that's not entirely true--people DO wonder what I"m doing with my life.  But nobody is walking with me down this strange and twisty road.

Remember when we had shiny-eyed dreams and hopes of changing the world, of chaning the church? 

I don't know what happened. 

Some days I get so cynical and down.  I'm trying hard to hold onto hope here, and some days I feel like I'm losing that battle.  I can't do this on my own, but I just feel stranded.  I need my sisters around me, my community, my anamchara.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.